Get a full-service digital marketing agency for your business

Do you know how to improve the business? Just read on the digital marketing strategies for the enormous growth. When it comes to outsourcing your online marketing, you want to make sure you use a full-service digital marketing agency, a company with the experience to provide you with all the quality services that you need to drive your business forward in a competitive environment. Digital marketing is an umbrella term which is focused on online promotional tools to help you boost your brand visibility and audience, as well as the target area and more.


The growth of online hike for the business – from digital marketing tools

As you can imagine, online marketing has a lot of tools that you should be focusing on if you expect your company to grow and succeed. That being said, the one main digital marketing solution that most people focus on these days is SEO or Search Engine Optimization. our effective SEO Services supports the all types of business shine through this digital marketing tool.

SEO has some problem that most business owners have is that search engine optimization is constantly evolving and in order to stay up to date with the latest algorithms and trends, you need to keep up to date with everything that is going on, this can take considerable time out of your day. Having an expert digital marketing agency on hand to assist you is the only way to ensure your SEO campaign is set and being followed to ensure your success in the long run.

Next is web design, another essential service offered by full-service digital marketing agencies. Your web design should be thoughtfully considered to ensure that you appeal to your target audience. Web design and development is more than simply the page that comes up when your clients visit your URL, it’s the speed of the pages as they load, how easy the site is to navigate and so much more that plays a vital role in your online success. This is just one of the many services provided by digital marketing agencies.

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Best Internet Marketing Company | Can Emails Grow My Business?

Do you want your business to grow? Then it might be time to start sending out some emails. Email marketing, which is the practice of sending commercial messages to a group of people via email, is one of the most effective ways to build brand awareness, trust, and loyalty, while also increasing the percentage of conversions and site visits exponentially. Don’t believe us? Then keep reading to learn about some shocking facts that prove that email marketing can make your business more successful than ever before!

19 Facts that Prove the Power of Email Marketing

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Email Usage Statistics

– 4.3 million email accounts send almost 200 billion emails every day.
– 81% of internet users utilize their smartphones to check their email at least once a day.
– 91% of all consumers in the US use email on a daily basis.
– 64% of decision makers read their emails.

General Email Marketing Statistics

– 85% of US businesses consider email marketing as one of the most effective ways to acquire customers.
– 44% of people who receive targeted emails buy at least one item because of the email’s promotional message.

Email Marketing vs. Other Tactics

– 77% of consumers prefer businesses to use emails for marketing communications.
– 89% of businesses say that email is their primary channel for generating leads.
– Emails convert 3 times as many people than social media.
– Email delivers a return of investment (ROI) at least 3 times more than social media with an average order value 17% higher.
– Your business is 6 times more likely to get a click-through from an email campaign than from a tweet.
– A message is 5 times more likely to be seen in an email than on Facebook.

Psychology of Email Recipients

– Red links in emails lead to 52% more clicks than blue links.
– Emails with 6-10 words in the subject line have the highest open rate (21%).
– 32% of millennials want to see fewer repetitive emails from businesses.

Mobile Email Statistics

– More than 2.28 million people access their email on their mobile device.
– Mobile email will account for 15 to 70% of email opens and depends on your target audience, product, and type of email.
– Email replies sent from smartphones are 54% faster than those sent from desktop computers.
– Business to consumer emails get 57.4% more opens on mobile devices than business to business emails.

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Where Can I Find the Best Internet Marketing Company?

The above facts make it clear: emails are a great way to make your business grow in the digital world. But email marketing only works if it does right, and the best way to guarantee effective emails is by teaming up with the best internet marketing company. Luckily, you can find the best internet marketing right here! Contact Digital Resource to start growing your business through email marketing today!

Internet Marketing Company | How to Get Highly Engaged Instagram Followers

Whether you are a new business trying to build your online presence or an established company looking to get in on the benefits of online marketing, it can be difficult navigating social media. If you’ve had some trouble with getting engagement specifically on Instagram, you are not alone. While employing an internet marketing company is the best way to get maximized results from your Instagram posts, here are some pointers that can assist you to get your engagement started.

12 Ways to Get Highly Engaged Instagram Followers

Post daily. – Perhaps the best tip for business on Instagram, this helps to build a residual base of engagement.

Create branded hashtags. – Instead of just using popular hashtags in your posts, create your own hashtags for your business. This will encourage participation with your posts as well as help monitor interaction from followers.

Keep up with trending hashtags. – You don’t need to copy the same trending hashtags being used. Simply identify them so that you may create custom posts that piggyback on these tags. This helps your business stay relevant.

Know what type of posts your followers enjoy and use them. – Research the targeted audience in your industry and the types of posts that are the most popular.

Incorporate video posts. – 3 to 15 second videos help to break up the monotony of posts and keep things interesting. Whether you come up with unique boomerang ideas or simple, funny, or behind-the-scenes snippets, videos are sure to engage your followers.

Use captions to inspire conversations. – Adding a caption such as, “Double tap if you agree!” can do wonders to increase your likes.

Interact with your followers and other users. – By responding to comments and mentions of your business, you inspire even more people to chime in and interact.

Interact with your followers and other users
Interact with your followers and other users

Organize a contest to boost followers. – Instruct your followers to share a certain photo, tag you in it, and give a follow in order to enter.

Incorporate Instagram exclusives. – By providing offersfrom your business exclusively on Instagram, you drive business and purchases, as well as give an incentive for people to follow you.

Spotlight participation. – Share pictures of people with your products, especially if they tag you in a photo or win one of your contests.

Team up with other users to get some shout outs. – Instead of using money for paid mentions on Instagram, focus your effort on building connections with your followers and then furthering engagement with organic shout outs to and from those users.

Examine the performance of your posts. – Identify which of your posts are doing well and have the most likes and comments. Reflect on why they are the best and then implement that into future posts.

Examine the performance of your posts
Examine the performance of your posts

Let the Best Internet Marketing Company Boost Your Instagram Engagement

The ins and outs of building an engaged following on Instagram are extensive, with this list being a fraction of how you can optimize your posts. This is why it is best to have a professional team on your side. With comprehensive knowledge about all social media platforms, Digital Resource is your best resource for everything digital. Contact our online marketing agency today for a dedicated team to assist with your digital needs.